Upgrade Your 井水 With a Water Softener System


Upgrade Your 井水 With a Water Softener System

Tapping into local well water has many advantages. 土地上有你需要的水,井水系统会把水直接送到你的水龙头里. 它可以节省你的钱,持续几十年,让你控制自己的水供应. For many Americans, it is the only solution. 生活在农村地区的人们使用井水,因为他们远离城市供水. 虽然水井是极好的水源,但有时它们也有不好的名声.

Complaints about well water usually have to do with hard water. 井水从土壤和岩石中渗透出来,然后被泵送回家. This journey through the soil is where the problem begins. 在一些地区,包括德克萨斯州中部,土壤成分导致了真正的硬水. In the San Antonio area, we can blame the abundance of limestone, which leaves a high level of minerals in the water. Homeowners like you are left searching the web for “well water treatment companies near me” because the hard water in your well needs some help.

Why is 井水 So Hard?


  • It comes straight from the earth. Your water travels directly from the ground to your faucet, 这使得水中的矿物质几乎没有时间溶解.
  • 井的深度也会影响水的硬度. The deeper your well, the harder the water. Water deep within the earth has passed through more layers, resulting in more opportunities to acquire minerals.
  • 城市对供水进行处理,可以消除一些硬水矿物质. While softening the water isn’t the goal, 在过滤污染物的过程中,城市用水有时会损失一些矿物质. 所以,虽然城市水不一定是软的,但它的矿物质含量通常比井水少.

当房主们在井边时,他们常常发现自己越来越沮丧. While city water isn’t the perfect solution, 拥有一口井就像是一场与水质的永无休止的战斗.

Signs of Hard Water

家里的水对你和你的家庭是至关重要的. 如果你生活在硬水环境中,你可能已经注意到了这种影响,并且已经处理了这种沮丧. In areas like San Antonio, where the water is incredibly hard, you cannot let your hard water go unchecked. 如果你长时间忽视它,它会破坏你的管道、电器和固定装置. Water filtration isn’t enough, but the solution is simple. 你需要一个 软水器.

你可以测试你的水,看看你到底在用什么. 但如果你家有硬水,你可能已经注意到你家有硬水的迹象了.

  • Limescale build-up on your fixtures and tile.
  • Pesky white water spots and residue.
  • Clothes and dishes that show premature wear and tear.
  • Reduced water pressure.

A Professional Can Help

The first step is to call a local water expert. 他们会评估你的房子,测试你的水,了解你的家庭用水和习惯. 从那里,他们可以指导你为你的家找到一个理想的解决方案.

因为井水很硬,所以对水处理系统的负担更大. 你的水专家可能会推荐一个更强大的系统来处理井水的额外挑战, 但是有些水软化和过滤系统对硬井水是理想和有效的.

Depending on your desired outcome, you may benefit from a combination of 软水器s, 过滤器, and reverse osmosis systems. A professional can work their magic on your water, and aside from a small amount of upkeep, you will forget you were ever frustrated with your well water.

How Does a Water Softener Work?

软水器是一种安装在你家供水入口的系统. 这样,流经管道的每一滴水都将摆脱有问题的矿物质. 你的管道、电器、固定装置和表面都可以防止钙和镁的积聚.

水首先通过碳过滤器,以消除水中的大量沉积物, 井水中哪个问题比城市水更严重. It then goes into a resin tank where there is an ion exchange, swapping hard minerals with friendlier ones. 水将通过另一个碳过滤器进行最后的运行,以确保它完美无缺,并准备为您的家庭提供清洁, 软水.

你的软水器需要一些小的注意来继续有效地工作. 也就是说,你需要定期检查盐的含量并补充盐的供应. And while you may need an occasional service or repair, 考虑到它提供的改变生活的好处,维护是最小的.

The Finishing Touch

除了软水器,你的水专家可能会建议你使用其他的 well water treatment solutions to improve your water supply. 额外的过滤或反渗透系统可以帮助确保你家里的水不仅柔软,而且安全可口.